MaD School End of Term 2023/24

香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 – “創不同”學院2023-2024結業展

Commissioned by Make a Difference School, we have produced the End of Term exhibition at Tseung Kwan O Plaza.

In addition to exhibiting the physical publication of "Tseung Kwan O, in Our Own Words", the newly published community-created local guide of this year, the pages have also been extracted and rearranged into vertical flags, which are hung throughout the exhibition area. This transforms the original flat printed paper into an immersive wandering experience, facilitates visitors to read a large amount of textual information while also encouraging them to roam around the exhibition space.

Drawing on local wisdom, we have used plastic buckets as pedestal bases - some of the contents has also been made into interactive games, placed on circular raised display platforms, making it accessible for visitors of all ages and creating a sense of gathering.

The creative projects of the "Studios in School" are presented using several freestanding wooden frame structures with a grid frames, flexibly showcasing a variety of explorations in different medium.

Spatial & Production

MaD School End of Term 2023/24

香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 – “創不同”學院2023-2024結業展

Commissioned by Make a Difference School, we have produced the End of Term exhibition at Tseung Kwan O Plaza.

In addition to exhibiting the physical publication of "Tseung Kwan O, in Our Own Words", the newly published community-created local guide of this year, the pages have also been extracted and rearranged into vertical flags, which are hung throughout the exhibition area. This transforms the original flat printed paper into an immersive wandering experience, facilitates visitors to read a large amount of textual information while also encouraging them to roam around the exhibition space.

Drawing on local wisdom, we have used plastic buckets as pedestal bases - some of the contents has also been made into interactive games, placed on circular raised display platforms, making it accessible for visitors of all ages and creating a sense of gathering.

The creative projects of the "Studios in School" are presented using several freestanding wooden frame structures with a grid frames, flexibly showcasing a variety of explorations in different medium.
Spatial & Production

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