Body Geometry — Works by HO Siu-kee
此身幾何 — 何兆基作品
/Ho once said, “The Chinese term ‘幾何’ is also commonly seen in Chinese literature and poetry. A widely acclaimed example is found in Cao Cao’s poem A Short Song, which starts with ‘對酒當歌,人生幾何’, meaning ‘With wine before us, we should sing a song. We do not know how many such chances we have in life.’ The ‘幾何’ here implies the unpredictable span of life. /
As a Grade II historical site, Cattle Depot Artist Village carries traces of time and memory. Pointsman was responsible for project management. To balance artistic value and heritage conservation, the team carefully designed the exhibition space to achieve the goal.
In honour of Ho’s achievements, in particular his outstanding solo exhibition “Body Geometry”. Ho was selected as Artist of the Year (Visual Arts) at the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2015.
As a Grade II historical site, Cattle Depot Artist Village carries traces of time and memory. Pointsman was responsible for project management. To balance artistic value and heritage conservation, the team carefully designed the exhibition space to achieve the goal.
In honour of Ho’s achievements, in particular his outstanding solo exhibition “Body Geometry”. Ho was selected as Artist of the Year (Visual Arts) at the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2015.
Dr. Ho Siu-kee
Supported by
Burger Collection
Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Project Management